Here it is the middle of January and there are so many things I meant to do in the past two months that I haven't. Such as:
- send out Christmas cards
- write a year-end wrap up for the blog
- shovel the snow in my back parking area
- start a new crochet project
- finish at least one current craft project
- buy curtains for the window in the dining room (install them too)
- deal with at least one thing in my mending pile
That isn't to say I have accomplished anything. I have been busy:
- Christmas baking
- hosting Christmas Eve dinner
- putting up (and taking down) two Christmas trees
- planning 3 six-week storytime programs
- re-reading Carl Hiaasen (in chronological order!)
- monitoring the progress of my Aerogardens (herbs and flowers)
- planning my summer gardening project (aka how much lawn am I digging up this year)
- keeping warm