Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why we call it Fall

Today I glanced out the window and thought we were in the middle of a snowstorm. It wasn't snow-- it was leaves blowing off the trees and swirling in the gusts.

Lawn mowing season is over. It's now leaf raking season.

It was actually a nice day, sunny at times, dark and stormy at other times. More sun predicted for tomorrow.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

I am handywoman, redux

Yesterday my new refrigerator and (gas!) stove were delivered. Even though I had measured, the fridge was just a bit too tall. Out came the toolbox. I moved the cupboard doors up an inch and trimmed the centre support. I love my cordless drill!

The stove isn't hooked up yet. I have a call in to the guys who hooked up my gas barbecue a couple of years ago and maybe by the weekend I'll be ready to go.

Today is yard work day-- if it doesn't rain.
