Friday, June 22, 2007

Recent reading

It's the first full day of summer and the sun which woke me when it rose has disappeared again. Mother Nature is determined to mess with my gardening schedule. I have a three-day weekend and I need to get some things done but forecast is predicting a chance of showers (thundershowers at that!)

I just finished reading Ascension by Steven Galloway. It's one of the books I bought last July at the Festival of Words in Moose Jaw. I'm off to this year's event in four weeks and I've still got a pile from last year. I'm down to only three Vanity Fair magazines as well. I've been reading a lot of stuff from work-- I love working in a public library. I just read First into Nagasaki by George Weller. He was a prize-winning war correspondent who wrote several dispatches from Nagasaki in September 1945 that were killed by military censors. He held onto the carbons of his stories which were discovered by his son after Weller's death in 2003. Fascinating reading for a history junkie like me. I also finished the latest China Bayles mystery by Susan Wittig Albert, Spanish dagger. I really like this series.

The sun has emerged again. I'm off to the garden.


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