Tuesday, May 08, 2007

TV advertising vs. daytime drama

I know a lot of people don't pay attention to television commercials but sometimes they are more interesting (good or bad) than the shows. They can also provide plenty of soap opera-ish entertainment as I discovered one morning--

A&W has an ad they started airing last year about a young guy and his wife who surprise his parents with a visit and then slyly announce their impending parenthood to mom and grumpy old dad by buying the old coot an "Grandpa" burger. This commercial disappeared for a while but is now back in heavy rotation.

WestJet's newest ad shows a flight attendant singing a baby to sleep and putting the rest of the passengers under as well. As she hands off the baby to dad, it's the young guy from the A&W ad! Only his wife is blonde on WestJet and brunette at A&W.

I wouldn't have noticed this but the two commercials aired in the same half hour one morning while I was watching Canada AM.


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